I also recently added my short essay exploring the damages of stone throwing and rumors and how much it can hurt a community. Satanic Panic can be found everywhere. Please consider "What would the Community Think": https://candicec.substack.com/p/what-would-the-community-think?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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As I continue to read and reread this article so many ideas come to mind. (Thank you Mr Greaves for the 10,000 article links I will be reviewing because I am currently sick and have no life.) I truly enjoy everything about your writing and your voice. As a writer I find that every single religion and sect has those who are willing to think for themselves, speak out and evolve. Even the Evangelicals. Every religion also has those who use religion for nothing more than drama, attention seeking, and witch hunting. They are able to come together under the banner of persecution and play the victim card. Everyone knows that the victim card is the most powerful card to play because it's often times the most difficult to question. Why would anyone question the victim? And that's why Satanic Panic 2.0 is so easily resurrected. The "few bad apples spoil the bunch" cliché comes to mind. Clichés are there because cliques happen. I hate to see great voices stifled by pettiness and odd power plays.

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Satanic is non religious.

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And in that regard there are no rules saying a Satanist can't be religious. Satanic thought only demands that we have to think critically. I can think about Jesus and Buddha and change my beliefs daily if those thoughts help bring in the right change and help amplify the right voices.

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